
Thursday, May 19, 2005


No recuerdo haber asistido nunca a un evento tan malo, tan extremadamente malo que haya sido necesario comentarlo simplemente para sacar el coraje. Pero este llamado concierto de "Diez pianos" fue lo peor que he visto y escuchado en mi vida. Supuse que algo debia estar mal cuando vi llegar a la "burguesia Tijuanera"; los tipicos nuevos ricos, gente "de cache", los "cultos" comerciantes que aparecen de vez en cuando a desfilar en eventos culturosos jovenes con sus despampanantes trajes color verde perico o anaranjados chillantes, ancianas con sus voluminosos crepés, y los tipicos rucos con su nueva adquisicion, la nueva secre o la recien operada e inyectada de botox esposa, algo asi como Alfredo Palacios mezclado con Elba Esther Gordillo. El kitsch mexicano en todo su esplendor.
Primero sudaba de pena ajena por los intentos mas cursis por vomitar un verso por parte del presentador; De los mas gastados cliches por querer llegar a un publico inculto con llamados a la "sensibilidad" de estos por mencionarles a sus "madrecitas" o hijos, menciones de la patria. Luego aparecieron los cantos en l mas alta tradicion Tlaxcalteca o chichimeca, con una supuesta nostalgia por New York, canciones en ingles, al parecer aprendido en comerciales de "Kentocki Fraid Chiquen" y "Espided Estik", mientras un "cantante" tronaba sus dedos y tocaba un piano imaginario! Por si fuera poco este evento mezcla de Piano Bar y kareoke de quinta tuvo una recepcion por parte del publico increible. Parecia que entre mas gritaban y berreaban los cantantes -lo suficiente como para quebrar cualquier cristal- mas se emocionaba el publico. Entre mas fuerte raspaba el violin esta imitadora de Olga Breeskin mas aplaudia el publico, como si tocar el violin fuese romperle las cuerdas. El lugar estaba llenisimo, y es que resulta que fue organizado por no se que organizacion caritativa catolica, me cago en la puta hostia! El coupe de grace, lo que me provoco querer aventarme de cabeza desde la parte mas alta del palco fue que repentinamente aparecio la mas barata de las prostitutas que se creen artistas en esta triste ciudad de Tijuana, la vedette de vedettes (se pone tanga, te da un "hand-job", lo que quieras por que le compres un pinche cuadro), Cecilia Garcia Amaro nos regalo los mas largos 3 minutos de mi vida, cantos mezclas de rebuzne de asno con raspado de pizarron, lo peor que he escuchado, la mas grande tortura, y es que resulta ser la hermana del "director" musical. Lo debia haber sospechado desde un principio.
La peor de las basuras, esta es mi descripcion de este "magno" evento.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Continuando el debate con los Maoistas.

The triumph of the CCP brought great benefits to the working massesof China. The overthrow of the exploiting classes and the oustingofthe imperialists made possible the planned economy that broughtmore equality to a citizenry that had lived under terrible conditionsfor many years.But things could have been better, what proved to be an obstacle wasthe anti-Marxist actions of those that took power.It seems to me that what made possible the degeneration of thehealthy worker state of the USSR was the decimation of the mostprepared cadres of the proletariat during the struggle against theimperialist invaders after the October Revolution and during thecivil war that came after; Also the failure to expand the Revolutionto other countries like Germany. During the NEP period a sector ofthe bureaucracy under the leadership of the right-wing of the party(Stalin, Bukharin, etc.) became conscious of their interests andstarted to promote anti-Marxist policies like "Socialism in onecountry", what would later grow to be reactionary nationalism andGreat-Russian chovinism.My point is that what in the USSR was a degeneration that lead to theblind alley of Stalinism or what is known as "real socialism", inChina under Mao this was promoted as a virtue. Mao did not promotea "sinification" of Marxism-Leninism, it was a "sinification" ofStalinism. An example of this anti-Marxist "theorizing" is Mao's "NewDemocracy" which is nothing more than Stalin's "bloc of fourclasses". What any Marxist knows is that classes have oppossiteinterests, and the first point of the ABC's of Marxism is politicalindependence of the working class (remember why Marx changed theCommunist League's "We are all brothers" to "Workers of the WorldUnite!"). Lenin wrote that a Marxist will always ask aboutdemocracy "for what class?". There can not be democracy for allclasses at the same time. This is not Marxist "orthodoxy" it's thebasis of Marxist thought, without this and against this it can onlybe a petty-bourgeois concoction like Maoism or Stalinism.I disagree with the affirmation that China was different from pre-October Russia and that therefore the proleteriat could not be thevanguard of the Chinese Revolution. In Russia the proletariat wasalso in the great minority but with the intervention of the BolshevikParty the proletariat became the leader of the Socialist Revolutionwith the support of the peasantry (as described inTrotsky's "Permanent Revolution"). There was the possibility for theproletariat to take power until Stalin's COMINTERN "maneuvered" forthe destruction of the CCP and the proletariat by the KMT.Mao's "New Democracy" was made possible because most of theexploiters and the "anti-imperialist bourgeoisie" (sic)left to Taiwan.The worship of spontaneity was something that Lenin always foughtagaintst (ex. "What is to be done?"), and this is another Maoistcharacteristic.A Communist Party after overthrowing the exploiters can not promotenationalism, the result of this will not only be the oppression ofnationalities which are in a minority, but also a confrontation withother worker states. That is why we have the CCP declaring that theUSSR is a bigger threat than imperialist countries, Mao embracingNixon and China invading Vietnam right after they defeated theimperialists.Anti-Leninist is Mao's "mass line", to disqualify DemocraticCentralism (freedom of discussion and unity in action). Stalin hadalready made it "Bureaucratic Centralism". That Mao was anti-bureaucratic is a lie, he only used this to fight against opossitefactions of the bureaucracy to benefit his own.To have the petty-bourgeois peasantry and the intelligentsia as thepillars of the revolution, to promote class-collaborationist conceptslike "the people's dictatorship", to worship spontaneity andthe "mass line" while a certain faction ofthe bureaucracy holds afirm grip on power as a parasitical caste on the backs of the workerscan only create a bureaucratically deformed worker's state from itsinception, what we saw in China in 1949 and what has been putting ingrave danger the many progressive achievements that have lasted until today.