
Friday, April 28, 2006


The conscious working class struggles against the HR 4437 law, and also against the McCain-Kennedy bill promoted by the Democrats and their allies. This law would double the amount of INS agents, it would fine undocumented workers with thousands of dollars, and it would create a subclass of “temporary workers” with no rights under the law; these new “braceros” would be deported after losing their jobs.
The conscious working class is not fooled by the Democrats, because it knows that they were the ones who intensified the attacks against us and implemented Operation Gatekeeper with the support of the Republicans, what has produced the deaths of thousands of immigrant workers.
The conscious working class is not deceived by the church, because we know that they seek to keep us within bourgeois legality, to limit ourselves to voting for one exploiter or another, and to avoid organizing the struggle for our rights. We know that our allies are the workers of all ethnic groups here in the U.S., as well as our class brothers who struggle in other countries.
The conscious working class does not wave the “star spangled banner” because we know its history and its present; It is not only dripping with the blood of the people of Iraq, but it was created with the blood of the native peoples of this continent, with the sweat and lives of millions of black slaves, and through the super exploitation of millions of immigrants workers. We also don’t wave the Mexican flag, because it would mean “national unity” with the Mexican exploiters that murder miners in the states of Coahuila and Michoacan, as well as the indigenous people of Chiapas. The rich and their government were the ones who made us leave this country to flee from hunger and poverty.
The conscious working class does not wave the flag of any other country, because they represent the puppet dictatorships under the leadership of the U.S. which are disguised as democracies; These flags divide those who struggle; the working class has no fatherland, and we will only have one until we govern ourselves; this is why this May Day we will wave the Red Flag of Internationalism; the Red Flag of the Workers of the World.
The conscious working class does not beg for amnesty, because it would mean begging for forgiveness for a crime that we never committed. We are not criminals, we are workers and we have dignity, and we fight for nothing less than full citizenship rights for all immigrants, now!
The conscious working class knows that those who murder the people of Iraq are the same people that provoke racist attacks from the government and from murderous groups like the “Minutemen”. Historically imperialist wars have been accompanied by attacks against immigrants; from Puerto Rico and the Philippines, to World War II and Vietnam, we have always been scapegoated for all the problems generated by the depredations of the rich. That is why the conscious working class and their allies struggle to defeat imperialist war and defends the people of Iraq.

For Workers’ Strikes against the War!
Break with all bourgeois parties! Down with the Democrats!
The Workers Struggle has No Borders!
For Workers Power!
For International Socialism!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


HUELGA el 1o. de Mayo!

No Trabajar! No ir a la Escuela! No Comprar! No Cruzar a EE.UU.!

Los trabajadores conscientes luchamos, no solo en contra de la ley HR 4437, sino también en contra de la McCainn-Kennedy promovida por los Demócratas y sus aliados. Esta ley aumentaría al doble la cantidad de agentes de la migra, multaría por miles de dólares a trabajadores indocumentados y crearía un grupo de trabajadores "temporales" de segunda clase y sin derechos. Los nuevos "braceros". Estos podrían ser deportados al momento de perder su empleo. Los trabajadores conscientes no somos engañados por los Demócratas, ya que recordamos que fueron ellos quienes intensificaron sus ataques e implementaron el Operativo Guardián y nuevas leyes que han provocado miles de muertes de emigrantes. Los trabajadores conscientes no somos engañados por las iglesias, ya que sabemos que quieren mantenernos dentro de los cauces de la legalidad burguesa, y que votemos por un explotador u otro. Que simplemente votemos y esperemos, en vez de unirnos y luchar, confiando en el poder de los trabajadores de todos los grupos étnicos. Sabemos que nuestros únicos aliados son los trabajadores negros y blancos, así como nuestros hermanos en lucha en otros países. Los trabajadores conscientes no ondeamos la bandera estadounidense por que conocemos su historia y su presente. No solo esta empapada ahora con la sangre del pueblo Iraquí, sino que fue creada sobre la sangre de los pueblos indígenas de este continente, sobre el sudor y vidas de millones de esclavos negros y a través de la superexplotación de miles de trabajadores emigrantes. No ondeamos la bandera mexicana porque significaría "unidad nacional" con los explotadores mexicanos que asesinan mineros en Coahuila y Michoacán, y a los indígenas de Chiapas. El gobierno y los ricos de México fueron quienes provocaron nuestra salida de este país para no morir de hambre y enfermedad. No ondeamos las banderas de ningún otro país ya que representan a las dictaduras títeres de los EE.UU. disfrazadas de democracia. Las banderas dividen. Los trabajadores no tenemos patria; la tendremos hasta que nos gobernemos a nosotros mismos. Por ello este Primero de Mayo ondearemos la bandera roja del internacionalismo. La bandera roja de los trabajadores del mundo. Los trabajadores conscientes no luchamos por amnistía, porque significaría pedir perdón a los explotadores por haber cometido un crimen. Nosotros no somos criminales, somos trabajadores, tenemos dignidad y luchamos por nada menos que plenos derechos de ciudadanía, ahora! Los trabajadores conscientes sabemosque quienes ahora asesinan al pueblo de Irak, son los mismos que provocan ataques racistas desde el gobierno y por parte de grupos asesinos como los "Minutemen". Históricamente las guerras imperialistas han estado acompañadas por ataques en contra de los emigrantes quienes siempre son culpados por los problemas generados por la ambición de los ricos. Por ello los trabajadores conscientes y sus aliados luchan por la derrota de los imperialistas y defienden al pueblo de Irak. Huelgas obreras en contra de la guerra! Los trabajadores conscientes sabemos que la Lucha de los Trabajadores no tiene Fronteras, por ello luchamos por el Socialismo Internacionalmente.
Por Huelgas Obreras en Contra de la Guerra!
Romper con todos los partidos burgueses!
La lucha de los trabajadores no tiene fronteras!
Por la Revolución Socialista Internacional!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


The giant is waking up, the immigrant population of this country, so many times scapegoated for all the economic and social problems created by the capitalist system and imperialist war, showed itself in protest by the thousands on the streets of many cities of the U.S. during the month of March, and on the 25th, almost a million people filled the streets of L.A., demanding an end to the xenophobic and anti-immigrant campaigns promoted by both the Democrats and the Republicans, the twin parties of war and racism.
The racists that now hold power and those that share their ideology have called the undocumented workers who come to this country “illegal aliens” for many years, and recently, the legislative power has been pushing a series of bills that further fuels bigotry against the workers, and the Sensenbrenner-King bill, also known as HR 4437 is emblematic of this; The bill approved by Congress in December calls for building a gigantic wall between the U.S. and Mexico, makes it a felony for workers to cross the border without a visa, and makes criminals out of anyone who gives a job or any type of assistance –like medical aid or even water- to the undocumented workers and their families. It ultimately tries to make of undocumented workers who now have no legal status, and are superexploited in the fields and sweatshops, “terrorists” who supposedly put in jeopardy the security of the United States. It is not surprising that this bill was the spark that detonated the anger of immigrants, primarily of Latin American nations, because they know that they are the workers that sustain the U.S. economy; they are now filling the streets demanding an end to the vicious anti-immigrant chauvinism that permeates this country.
The understandable and necessary struggle of immigrants workers –undocumented or not- is trying to be deflected into electoral politics by swindlers like L.A. Democratic party mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who on the March 25 protest asked the people to back the McCain-Kennedy bill, which is supposed to be a gentler attack on immigrants; but the bill is anything but gentle, doubling the amount of INS agents to detain or harass immigrants, giving fines of $3,000 to the existing undocumented workers in the U.S. and creating a “brazero” temporary worker program that charges $500 for an application and deports them if they don’t find a job after 45 days.
The immigrant and worker’s rights movement should break with the Democrats and all bourgeois parties, relying on their own strength. Every gain for the workers and the oppressed, small as they may be, were gained through hard struggle, not through voting or by expecting that the exploiters “rethink” things through pressure. As long as the capitalist system continues, every gain can and will be reversed whenever the rulers find it less costly to them. The dictatorial nature of the capitalist system is revealed when their power is challenged, unmasking bourgeois “democracy” as a mere sham. We saw this all over the country and right here in San Diego County, where dozens of students who walked out in protest against racist oppression were pepper sprayed, hit with batons and jailed. The San Diego mounted police run roughshod in Chicano park, intimidating protesters; this is the real face of capitalist “freedom”, because it is only freedom for the rich and repression for the working classes whenever they fail to bow their heads in silence. This is the face of the existing “peace”.
It is time for immigrant workers to wake up and unite with their class brothers, to demand full citizen rights for all immigrants who get here, to organize them in unions, stop anti-Arab racism and all forms of oppression. But this will only be possible and lasting through international class struggle, and through the creation of an egalitarian socialist society, where the racially integrated working class rules.